Composers and their stage works 

Ernst Barlach

(1870 - 1938) German expressionist, sculptor, poet and dramatist. Born in Wedel 2 January, 1870. Died Güstrow 25 October, 1938

Stage Works

  1. Der tote Tag (The Dead Day). Drama, 5 acts; prose. Written 1910. Published 1912. Produced Nov. 22, 1919.
  2. Der arme Vetter (The Poor Cousin). Drama, 5 acts; prose. Written 1917. Published 1918. Produced Hamburg, Hamburger Kammerspiele, Mar. 3, 1919.
  3. Die echten Sedemunds (The True Sedemunds). Drama, 7 scenes; prose. Written 1919. Published 1920. Produced Hamburg, Hamburger Kammerspiele, Mar. 23, 1921.
  4. Der Findling (The Foundling). Drama, 3 parts; verse and prose. Written 1921. Published 1922. Produced Königsberg, Apr. 21, 1928.
  5. Die Sündflut (The Flood). Drama, 5 parts; prose. Written 1923. Published 1924. Produced Stuttgart, Sept. 27, 1924.
  6. Der blaue Boll (The Blue Ball). Drama, 7 scenes; prose. Written 1925. Published 1926. Produced Stuttgart, Oct. 13, 1926.
  7. Die gute Zeit (Good Times). Drama, 10 acts. Written 1928. Published 1929. Produced Gera, Nov. 18, 1929.
  8. Der Graf von Ratzeburg (The Count of Ratzeburg). Drama, 10 scenes; prose. Written 1927/37. Published 1951. Produced Nürnberg, Nov. 25, 1951.


  1. P. Fechter, Ernst Barlach, Giitersloh, 1957
  2. W. Flemming, Ernst Barlach, Bern, 1958
  3. H. Franck, Ernst Barlach: Leben and Werke, Stuttgart, 1961
  4. P. Schurek, Barlach: Eine Bildbiographie, Munich, 1961
  5. H. Meier, Der verborgene Gott: Studien zu den Dramen Ernst Barlachs, Nürnberg, 1963
  6. A. Werner, Barlach, New York, 1966
  7. E. M. Chick, Barlach, New York, 1967
  8. H. Gross, Zur Seinserfahrung bei Ernst Barlach, Freiburg, 1967
  9. K. Graucob, Ernst Barlachs Dramen, Kiel, 1969
  10. E. Jansen, ed., Ernst Barlach: Werk and Wirkung, Berlin, 1972
  11. H. Kaiser, Der Dramatiker Ernst Barlach, Munich, 1972
  12. H. Beckman, Ich habe keinen Gott: Ernst Barlachs religiöse Provokationen, Munich, 1974.