Stage Works
- Le Kid, with Georges Pelorson (produced 1931).
- Eleutheria. Play, 3 acts. Written ca. 1946/48.
- En Attendant Godot (produced
1953). 1952; translated by Beckett as Waiting for Godot: Tragicomedy (produced
- Fin de partie (produced in
French, 1957). translated by Beckett as Endgame (produced 1958)
- Acte sans paroles, with music by John Beckett (produced in
French, 1957). translated by Beckett as Act Without Words,1958.
- All That Fall, from the radio play (broadcast 1957; produced
1965). 1957. Produced London, BBC Radio 3, Jan. 13, 1957; Paris, Radiodiffusion
Française, Jan. 26, 1963. French translation: Robert Pinget.
- From an Abandoned Work. 1958.
- Krapp's Last Tape (produced
- Embers Radio play. Published 1958. Produced London, BBC Radio
3, June 24, 1959. French translation: Beckett and Pinget.
- Act Without Words II (produced 1960).
- The Old Tune, from Robert Pinget's La Manivelle (broadcast
- Happy Days (produced 1961).
1961; translated by Beckett as Oh Les Beaux Jours (produced
- Words and Music (broadcast 1962). Radio play. Published 1962.
Produced London, BBC Third Programme, Nov. 13, 1962. Music: John Beckett.
- Play (in German, as Spiel, produced 1963; as Play, 1964).
- Cascando, music by Marcel Mihalovici (broadcast in French,
1963; in English, 1964).
- Film (screenplay 1965).
- Va-et-vient: Dramaticule (in German as Kommen und Gehen, produced
1966; as Va-et-vient, produced 1966). 1966; translated by Beckett
as Come and Go: Dramaticule (produced 1968), 1967.
- Eh Joe (broadcast 1966; produced 1978).
- Breath (produced as part of Kenneth Tynan's Oh! Calcutta!, 1969.
- Not I (produced 1972). 1973.
- Fragment de Théâtre. 1974. Translated
by Beckett as Theatre I and II, 1976.
- That Time (produced 1976). 1976.
- Footfalls (produced 1976). 1976.
- Ghost Trio Published 1975. (broadcast 1977).
- . . . but the clouds . . . Published 1976. (broadcast 1977).
- Rough For Radio I. As Sketch for a Radio Play, i
- Rough for Radio II (broadcast as Rough for Radio, 1976).
- A Piece of Monologue (produced 1980).
- Rockaby (produced 1981).
- Ohio Impromptu (produced 1981).
- Catastrophe (produced 1982).
- Nacht and Traüme (broadcast 1982).
- Quad (broadcast as Quadrat 1 +2, 1982).
- What Where (in German, as Was Wo, produced 1983;
as What Where, produced 1983).
Film, 1965.
- All That Fall, 1957;
- Embers, 1959;
- The Old Tune, from Robert Pinget's La Manivelle, 1960;
- Words and Music, 1962; Cascando, music by Marcel Mihalovici,
in French, 1963, in English, 1964;
- Rough for Radio, 1976.
- Eh Joe, 1966; Not I, from the stage play 1977;
- Ghost Trio, 1977;
- . . . but the clouds . . ., 1977;
- Quad, as Quadrat 1 +2, 1982;
- Nacht and Traüme, 1982.
- Murphy. 1938.
- Molloy. 1951; translated by Beckett and Patrick Bowles, 1955.
- Malone meurt. 1951; translated by Beckett as Malone
Dies, 1956.
- L'Innommable.1953; translated by Beckett as The Unnameable, 1958.
- Watt (written in English). 1953.
- Molloy; Malone Dies; The Unnameable. 1960.
- Comment c'est. 1961; translated by Beckett as How
It Is, 1964.
- Mercier et Camier. 1970; translated by Beckett as Mercier
and Camier, 1974.
- More Pricks than Kicks. 1934.
- Nouvelles et Textes pour rien. 1955; translated by
Beckett and Richard Seaver as Stories and Texts for Nothing, 1967.
- From an Abandoned Work. 1958.
- Imagination morte imaginez. 1965; translated by Beckett
as Imagination Dead Imagine, 1965.
- Assez. 1966; translated by Beckett as Enough, in No's
Knife, 1967.
- Bing. 1966; translated by Beckett as Ping, in No's
Knife, 1967.
- Têtes-Mortes (includes D'Un Ouvrage Abandonné;
Assez, Bing, Imagination morte imaginez). 1967; translated
by Beckett in No's Knife, 1967.
- No's Knife: Collected Shorter Prose 1945-1966 (includes Stories
and Texts for Nothing; From an Abandoned Work; Enough; Imagination
Dead Imagine; Ping). 1967.
- L'Issue. 1968.
- Sans. 1969; translated by Beckett as Lessness, 1971.
- Séjour. 1970.
- Premier Amour. 1970; translated by Beckett as First
Love, 1973.
- Le Dépeupleur. 1971; translated by Beckett
as The Lost Ones, 1972.
- The North. 1972.
- Abandonné. 1972.
- Au loin un oiseau. 1973.
- First Love and Other Shorts. 1974.
- Fizzles. 1976.
- For to End Yet Again and Other Fizzles. 1976.
- All Strange Away. 1976.
- Four Novellas (First Love; The Expelled; The Calmative; The End). 1977; as The
Expelled and Other Novellas, 1980.
- Six Residua. 1978.
- Company. 1980.
- Mal vu mal dit. 1981; translated by Beckett as Ill
Seen Ill Said, 1982.
- Worstward Ho. 1983.
- Stirrings Still. 1988.
- Nohow On (includes Company; Ill Seen Ill Said; Worstward
Ho). 1989.
- Whoroscope. 1930.
- Echo's Bones and Other Precipitates. 1935
- Gedichte (collected poems in English and French, with German
translations). 1959.
- Poems in English. 1961.
- Poèmes. 1968.
- Collected Poems in English and French. 1977; revised
edition, as Collected Poems 1930-1978, 1984.
- Mirlitonnades. 1978.
- "Dante . . . Bruno. Vico .. . Joyce," in Our Exagmination round
His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress. 1929.
- Proust. 1931; with Three Dialogues with Georges Duthuit, 1965.
- Three Dialogues with Georges Duthuit. In Transition 48, 1949; in
book form, with Proust, 1965.
- Bram van Velde, with Georges Duthuit and Jacques Putman. 1958; translated
by Beckett and Olive Classe, 1960.
- A Beckett Reader. 1967
- I Can't Go On: A Selection from the Work of Beckett, edited
by Richard Seacver. 1976.
- Disjecta: Miscellaneous Writings and a Dramatic Fragment, edited
by Ruby Cohn. 1983.
- Collected Shorter Prose 1945-1980. 1984.
- Happy Days: The Production Notebook, edited by James Knowlson,
- As the Story Was Told: Uncollected and Late Prose. 1990.
- Translator, Negro: An Anthology, compiled by Nancy Cunard.
- Translator, Seven Poems by Paul Eluard. In Thorns of Thunder, 1936.
- Translator, Anthology of Mexican Poetry, edited
by Octavio Paz. 1958.
- Translator, with others, Selected Poems, by Alain Bosquet.
- Translator, Zone, by Guillaume Apollinaire. 1972.
- Translator, Drunken Boat, by Arthur Rimbaud, edited by James
Knowlson and Felix Leakey. 1977.
- Translator, with others, No Matter No Fact. 1988.
- Samuel Beckett: His Works and His Critics: An Essay in Bibliography, by
Raymond Federman and John Fletcher, 1970;
- Samuel Beckett: Checklist and Index of His Published
Works 1967-1976 by Robin John Davis, 1979;
- Samuel Beckett: A Reference Guide by Cathleen Culotta Andonian
University of Texas, Austin; Ohio State University, Columbus; Washington
University, St. Louis; Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire; Reading
University, England.
- H. Delye, Samuel Beckett, ou La philosophie de 1'absurde, Aix,
- Samuel Beckett: The Comic Gamut by Ruby Cohn, 1962;
- R. Coe, Samuel Beckett, New York, Edinburgh, 1964;
- W. Y. Tindall, Samuel Beckett, New York, 1964;
- J. Jacobsen and W. R. Mueller, The Testament of Samuel Beckett:
A Study, New York, 1964, London, 1966;
- Samuel Beckett: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. by M.
Esslin, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1965;
- N. A. Scott, Samuel Beckett, London and New York, 1965;
- J. Ludovic, Pour Samuel Beckett, Paris, 1966;
- P. Melese, Beckett, Paris, 1966;
- Beckett at Sixty: A Festschrift, ed. by J. Calder, London,
- Samuel Beckett by Ronald Hayman, 1968; revised edition, 1980;
- I. H. Hassan, The Literature of Silence: Henry Miller and Samuel
Beckett, New York, 1968;
- B. G. Chevigny; 20th Century Interpretations of Endgame, Englewood
Cliffs, N.J., 1969;
- Samuel Beckett Now: Critical Approaches to His Novels, Poetry,
and Plays edited by Melvin J. Friedman, 1970;
- R. Federman and J. Fletcher, Samuel Beckett: His Works and His
Critics, An Essay in Bibliography, Berkeley, 1970;
- L. Harvey, Samuel Beckett: Poet and Critic, Princeton, 1970;
- G. Croussy, Beckett, Paris, 1971;
- D. Hesla, The Shape of Chaos, Minneapolis, 1971;
- D. Hayman, ed., Beckett issue, James Joyce Quarterly, 1971;
- C. Duckworth, Angles of Darkness, London, 1972;
- Beckett: A Study of His Plays by John Fletcher and John Spurling,
1972, revised as Beckett the Playwright, 1985;
- H. Kenner, A Reader's Guide to Samuel Beckett, New York,
- R. Toscan, "MacGowan on Beckett," Theatre Quarterly,July-September,1973;
- Back to Beckett by Ruby Cohn, 1974;
- Samuel Beckett: A Collection of Criticism edited
by Ruby Cohn, 1975;
- H. C. Copeland, Art and the Artist in the Works of Samuel Beckett, The
Hague-Paris, 1975;
- J. Eliopoulos, Samuel Beckett's Dramatic Language, The Hague-Paris,
- B. Rojtman, Forme et signification dans le théâtre
de Beckett, Paris, 1976;
- D. Bair, Samuel Beckett, New York, 1977;
- A Student's Guide to the Plays of Samuel Beckett by
Beryl S. Fletcher, 1978, revised edition, with John Fletcher,
- R. L. Admussen, The Samuel Beckett Manuscripts, Boston, 1979;
- Just Play: Beckett's Theatre by Ruby Cohn, 1980;
- B. States, The Shape of Paradox, Berkeley, 1980;
- H. Baldwin, Samuel Beckett's Real Silence, College Park,
Pa., 1981.
- Samuel Beckett: Modern Critical Views edited by Harold Bloom,
1985; Beckett on File, edited by Virginia Cooke, 1985;
- Samuel Beckett by Linda Ben-Zvi, 1986;
- Understanding Beckett: A Study of Monologue and Gesture in the
Works of Beckett by Peter Gidal, 1986;
- Myth and Ritual in the Plays of Beckett by Katherine
H. Burkman, 1988;
- Theatre of Shadows: Beckett's Drama 1956-1976 by Rosemary
Pountney, 1988;
- The Humour of Samuel Beckett by Valerie Topsfield, 1988;
- Beckett in Performance by Jonathan Kalb, 1989;
- Beckett by Andrew K. Kennedy, 1989;
- Understanding Samuel Beckett by Alan Astro, 1990;
- Women in Beckett: Performance and Critical Perspectives by
Linda Ben-Zvi, 1990.