Composers and their stage works 

Karel Capek

Czech novelist, essayist, journalist and dramatist. Born Malé Svatonovice in Sudentenland section of Bohemia 9th January, 1890. Died Prague 25 December, 1938.


  1. Lásky hra osudná (The Fateful Game of Love). (With Josef Capek). Comedy, 1 act. Written 1910. Produced Prague, Studio of National Theatre, May 15, 1930.
  2. Loupezník (The Outlaw). Play. Produced Prague, National Theatre, Mar. 2, 1920.
  3. Ze zivota hmyzu (From the Insect World; The World We Live In; And So Ad Infinitum). (With Josef Capek) Parable; prologue and epilogue, 2 acts. Published 1920. Produced Prague, National Theatre, Mar. 8, 1922.
  4. Vec Makropulos (The Makropoulous Secret). Play. Published 1920. Produced Prague, Municipal Theatre, Nov. 21, 1922.
  5. R. U. R.: Rossum's Universal Robots. Play, 3 acts. Produced Prague, National Theatre, Jan. 25, 1921.
  6. Adam stvoritel (Adam the Creator). (With Josef Capek). Play. Published 1927.
  7. Bílá nemoc (The White Plague). Play. Produced 1937.
  8. Matka (The Mother). Play. Produced 1938.