Composers and their stage works 



Italian poet, actor and dramatist. Born Naples 24th May, 1900

  1. I Did Wrong? I'll Fix Things (Ho fatto it guaio? Riparerò). Play, 3 acts; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1926.
  2. Final Dress Rehearsal (Prova generate). (with Peppino De Filippo) Play, 1 act; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1929.
  3. Sik-Sik, the Masterful Magician (Sik-Sik, 1'artefice magico). Play, 1 act; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1930. Published 1932.
  4. Puppet Play (L'opera dei pupi). Written 1931.
  5. Every Year, from the Beginning (Ogni anno, punto e da capo). Revue. Written 1931.
  6. Shadow of the City (Ombre delta città). Revue. Written 1931.
  7. Once There Was Naples (C'era una volta Napoli). Revue. Written 1931.
  8. The Last Button (Vultimo bottone). Play, 1 act; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1931.
  9. Christmas at the Cupiellos' (Natale in casa Cupiello). Comedy, 2 acts, revised as 3 acts; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1931. Published 1943.
  10. Pulcinella, Dream Prince (Pulcinella principe in sogno). Revue. Written 1932.
  11. The Sun's Caught Fire (E s'è 'nfucato o' sole). Play; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1932.
  12. A Hundred of Such Days (Cento di questi giorni).(With C. Mauro). Play. Written 1932.
  13. Pharmacy Open on Alternate Sundays (Farmacia di turno). Play, 1 act; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1932.
  14. His Master's Voice (La voce del padrone). Play, 1 act, Written 1932.
  15. Those Faces of Thirty Years Ago (Quei figuri di trent'anni fa). Play, 1 act; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1932.
  16. Good-bye, Nico! (Addio Nico!). Play, 1 act. Written 1932.
  17. Gennariello. Play, 1 act; Neapolitan dialect. Wrtten 1932.
  18. I, the Heir (Io, 1'erede). Play, 3 acts; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1932. Published 1942.
  19. Three Months Later (Tre mesi dopo). Play, 1 act; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1932.
  20. Who's Happier than I Am! (Chi è cchiù felice'e me!). Play, 2 acts; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1932.
  21. Always Tell Him Yes (Ditegli sempre si). Play, 2 acts; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1932.
  22. Peace to Him (Requie all'anima sua). Play, 1 act; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1932.
  23. Speak to the Porter (Parlate al portiere). (With M. Scarpetta). Play, 1 act. Written 1932.
  24. A Fine Expedient (Una bella trovata). Play, 1 act. Written 1932.
  25. We Are Navigators (Noi siam navigator). Play, 1 act. Written 1932.
  26. Cook, Cook of the Bad Kitchen (Cuoco cuoco della mala cucina). Play, 1 act. Written 1932.
  27. Five O'Clock Tea (Il thè delle cinque). Play, 1 act. Written 1932.
  28. Man and Gentleman (Uomo e galantuomo). Play, 3 acts; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1933.
  29. Christmas Gift (Il dono di Natale). Play, 1 act; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1934.
  30. Listen at All Costs (Sentiteci ad ogni costo). Play, 1 act. Written 1935.
  31. Good-bye, Fifth Floor! (Quinto piano, ti saluto!). Play, 1 act, Neapolitan dialect. Written 1935.
  32. Hope Has Found a Lodging (La speranza ha trovato un alloggio). (With G. Riva). Play, 3 acts; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1936. Produced Milan, Teatro Olimpia, 15 April, 1936.
  33. The New Clothes (L'abito nuovo). Play, 3 acts. Written 1937. Adapted from a scenario of Luigi Pirandello.
  34. Someone with White Hair (Uno coi capelli bianchi). Play, 3 acts; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1938. Published 1938.
  35. Dangerously (Pericolosamente). Play, 1 act; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1938.
  36. I Won't Pay You (Non ti pago). Play, 3 acts; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1940. Published 1941.
  37. Hamlet's Part (La parte di Amleto). Play, 1 act; Neapolitan dialect. Written 1940. Published 1940.
  38. On Leave (In licenza). Play. Written 1941.
  39. Fortune with a Capital F (La fortuna con 1'effe maiuscola). (With A. Curcio and R. De Angelis). Play, 3 acts; Neapolitan dialect. Produced Turin, Teatro Alfieri, 24 March, 1942.
  40. Millionaire Naples (Napoli milionaria!). Play, 3 acts. Published 1951. Produced 1945.
  41. Oh, These Ghosts! (Questi fantasmil). Play, 3 acts. Published 1946. Produced Rome, Teatro Eliseo, 12 January, 1946.
  42. Filumena Marturano. Play, 3 acts. Published 1947. Produced Naples, 7 November, 1946.
  43. San Carlino 1947. Farce, 1 act. Produced Milan, Mediolanum, 8 April, 1947.
  44. The Truth That Was Never Revealed (Le bugie con le gambe lunghe). Play, 3 acts. Published 1948. Produced Rome, Teatro Eliseo, 14 January, 1948.
  45. Inner Voices (Le voci di dentro). Play, 3 acts. Published 1949. Produced Milan, Teatro Nuovo, 11 December, 1948.
  46. Grand Magic (La grande magia). Play, 3 acts. Published 1950. Produced Naples, Teatro Mercadente, 14 December, 1949.
  47. Fear Number One (La paura numero uno). Play, 3 acts. Published 1951. Produced Venice, Teatro la Fenice, 29 July, 1950.
  48. Friendship (Amicizia). Play, 1 act. Published 1956. Produced Rome, Ridotto del Teatro Eliseo, 9 May, 1952.
  49. The Dead Are Harmless (I morti non fanno paura). Play, 1 act. Published 1956. Produced Rome, Ridotto del Teatro Eliseo, 9 May, 1952.
  50. The Outcome of the Day (Il successo del giorno). Play, 1 act. Produced Rome, Ridotto del Teatro Eliseo, 9 May, 1952.
  51. My Family (Mia famiglia). Play, 3 acts. Published 1956. Produced Perugia, Teatro Morlacchi, 16 January, 1955; Rome, Teatro Eliseo, 18 January, 1955.
  52. My Darling and My Love (Bene mio e core mio). Play, 3 acts. Published 1956. Produced Rome, Teatro Eliseo, 11 November, 1955.
  53. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (Sabato, domenica e lunedi). Play, 3 acts; Neapolitan dialect. Produced Rome, Teatro Quirino, 6 November, 1959.
  54. The Son of Pulcinella (II figlio di Pulcinella). Play. Written 1959.
  55. Grief under Lock and Key (Dolore sotto chiave). Play, 1 act. Produced Milan, Teatro San Erasmo, 5 March, 1960.
  56. The Local Authority (II sindaco del rione Sanità). Play, 3 acts. Published 1961. Produced Rome, Teatro Quirino, 9 December, 1960.
  57. Vincenzo De Pretore (De Pretore Vincenzo). Play, 2 parts. Produced Genoa, Teatro Politeama, 3 December, 1961.
  58. Philosophically (Filosoficamente). Play.
  59. Dark Glasses (Occhiali neri). Play.
  60. Exams Are Never Over (Gli esami non finiscono mai). Play. Produced Florence, Teatro della Pergola, 18 December, 1973.


F. Frascani, La Napoli amara di Eduardo De Filippo, Florence, 1958;

R. G. Bender, "A Critical Estimate of Eduardo De Filippo," Italian Quarterly 11 (1967), 3-18;

M. B. Mignone, Il teatro di Eduardo De Filippo, Rome, 1974.