Composers and their stage works 



(1832 1916)

Spanish dramatist, scientist and statesman born Madrid April 19, 1832. Died Madrid September 15, 1916



Unless otherwise noted, the plays were first performed in Madrid.

  1. El libro talonario (The Checkbook). Verse comedy, 1 act. Produced Teatro de Apolo, Feb. 18, 1874.
  2. La esposa del vengador (The Avenger's Wife). Dramatic poem. Written 1874. Produced Teatro Espanol, Nov. 14, 1874.
  3. La ultima noche (The Last Night). Drama, 3 acts and epilogue; verse. Written 1875. Produced Teatro Espnol, Mar. 2, 1875.
  4. En el puno de la espada (At the Hilt of the Sword). Dramatic tragedy. Written 1875. Produced Teatro de Apolo, Oct. 12, 1875.
  5. Un sol que nace y un sol que muere (A Sun that Rises and a Sun that Sets). Play, 1 act. Written 1875. Produced Teatro del Circo, Feb. 29, 1876.
  6. Cómo empieza y cómo acaba (How It Begins and How It Ends). Play. Written 1876. Produced Teatro Espanol, Nov. 9, 1876. Part I of a trilogy.
  7. El gladiador de Ravena (The Gladiator of Ravenna). Play. Written 1876? Produced Teatro de Novedades, Nov. 10, 1876. Based on the play by Friedrich Halm (1856).
  8. O locura o santidad (Madman or Saint). Prose drama, 3 acts. Written 1877. Produced Teatro Espanol, Jan. 22, 1877.
  9. Iris de paz (The Peacemaker). Play. Written 1877? Produced Teatro Espanol, Feb. 27, 1877.
  10. Para tai culpa tai pens (Let the Punishment Fit the Crime). Play. Written 1877. Produced Teatro Espanol, Apr. 27, 1877.
  11. Lo que no puede decirse (What Cannot Be Told). Play. Written 1877. Produced Teatro Espanol, Oct. 14, 1877. Part II of a trilogy.
  12. En el pilar y en la cruz (Before the Pillar and the Cross). Play. Written 1878. Produced Teatro Espanol, Feb. 26, 1878.
  13. Correr en pos de un ideal (In Pursuit of an Ideal). Play. Written 1878. Produced Teatro Espanol, Oct. 15, 1878.
  14. Algunas veces aqui (Sometimes There). Play. Written 1878. Produced Teatro de Apolo, Nov. 15, 1878.
  15. Morir por no despertar (To Die in Order to Awaken). Play, 1 act. Written 1879. Produced Teatro de Apolo, Feb. 10, 1879.
  16. En el seno de la muerte (In the Bosom of Death). Tragic legend, 3 acts; verse. Written 1879. Produced Teatro Espanol, Apr. 12, 1879.
  17. Bodas trágicas (The Tragic Wedding). Play. Written 1879? Produced Seville, 1879.
  18. Mar sin orillas (The Shoreless Sea). Play. Written 1879? Produced Teatro Espanol, Dec. 20, 1879.
  19. La muerte en los labios (The Taste of Death). Prose drama, 3 acts. Written 1880. Produced Teatro Espanol, Nov. 30, 1880.
  20. El gran Galeoto (The Great Galeoto). Verse drama, 3 acts; prose dialogue. Written 1881. Produced Teatro Espanol, Mar. 19, 1881.
  21. Los dos curiosos impertinentes (The Two Inquisitive Troublemakers). Written 1882? Produced Teatro Espanol, Apr. 8, 1881. Part III of a trilogy.
  22. Haroldo et Normando (Harold the Norman). Written 1881. Produced Teatro Espanol, Dec. 3, 1881.
  23. Conflicto entre dos deberes (Conflict Between Two Duties). Written 1882. Produced Teatro Espanol, Dec. 14, 1882.
  24. Un milagro en Egipto (A Miracle in Egypt). Tragic study, verse. Written 1883. Produced Teatro Espanol, Mar. 24, 1884.
  25. Piensa mal . . . y acertards (Think Evil . . . and You Will Be Right). Comic proverb, 3 acts; verse. Written 1884. Produced Teatro Espanol, Feb. 5, 1884.
  26. La peste de Otranto (The Plague of Otranto). Play. Written 1884. Produced Teatro Espanol, Dec. 12, 1884.
  27. Vida alegre y muerte triste (Happy Life and Sad Death). Play. Written 1884. Produced Teatro Espanol, Mar. 7, 1885.
  28. El bandido Lisandro (Lysander the Bandit). Play. Written 1886. Produced Feb. 13, 1886.
  29. De mala raza (Evil Race). Prose drama, 3 acts. Written 1886. Produced Teatro Espanol, Mar. 4, 1886.
  30. El conde Lotario (Count Lothario). Play, 1 act. Written 1887. Produced Valencia.
  31. Dos fanatismos (Two Fanaticisms). Play. Written 1887. Produced Teatro Espanol, Jan. 15, 1887.
  32. La realidad y el delirio (Reality and Delirium). Play. Written 1887. Produced Teatro Espanol, Apr. 12, 1887.
  33. El hijo de hierro y el hijo de carne (The Son of Steel and the Son of Flesh). Play. Written 1888. Produced Teatro de la Princesa, Jan. 14, 1888.
  34. Lo sublime en to vulgar (The Sublime in the Vulgar). Play. Written 1888. Produced Barcelona, July 4, 1888.
  35. Manantial que no se agota (Everlasting Source of Troubles). Play. Written 1889. Produced Teatro Espanol, Mar. 9, 1889.
  36. Los rígidos (The Extremists). Play. Written 1889. Produced Teatro Espanol, Nov. 19, 1889.
  37. El prólogo de un drama (The Prologue of a Drama). Play, 1 act. Written 1890. Produced Valladolid, 1890.
  38. Siempre en ridiculo (Always Ridiculous). Play. Written 1890. Produced Teatro Espanol, Dec. 21, 1890.
  39. Irene de Otranto (Irene of Otranto). Play. Written 1891. Produced Teatro Real, Feb. 12, 1891.
  40. Un critico incipiente (An Embryo Critic). Play. Written 1891. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Feb. 27, 1891.
  41. Comedia sin desenlace (Comedy Without Denouement). Comedy. Written 1891. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Dec. 17, 1891.
  42. El hijo de Don Juan (The Son of Don Juan). Play. Written 1892. Produced Teatro Espanol, Mar. 29, 1892.
  43. Sic vos no vobis, o La filtima limosna (Sic vos non vobis, or The Lost Alms). Rustic comedy, 3 acts; prose. Written 1892. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, 1892.
  44. Mariana. Play. Written 1892. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Dec. 5, 1892.
  45. El poder de la impotencia (The Power of Impotence). Play. Written 1893. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Mar. 4, 1893.
  46. A la orilla del mar (At the Seashore). Play. Written 1893. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, Dec. 12, 1893.
  47. La rencorosa (The Enraged Lady). Play. Written 1894. Produced Tea­tro de la Comedia, Mar. 13, 1894.
  48. Mancha que limpia (The Cleansing Stain). Tragic drama, 4 acts; prose. Written 1895. Produced Teatro Espanol, Feb. 9, 1895.
  49. El primer acto de un drama (The First Act of a Drama). Play, 1 act. Written 1895. Produced Teatro de Novedades, Feb. 25, 1895.
  50. El estigma (The Stigma). Play. Written 1895. Produced Teatro Es­panol, Nov. 15, 1895.
  51. La cantante callejera (The Street Singer). Play. Written 1896? Produced Teatro Espanol, Mar. 26, 1896.
  52. La calumnia por castigo (Slander for Punishment). Play. Written 1897. Produced Teatro Espanol, Jan. 22, 1897.
  53. Semiramis, o La hija del aire (Semiramis, or The Daughter of the Air). Written 1897? Produced Teatro Espanol, 1897. Adapted from La hija del aire, by Pedro Calderón de la Barca.
  54. La duda (The Doubt). Drama, 3 acts; prose. Written 1898. Produced Teatro Espanol, Feb. 11, 1898.
  55. El hombre negro (The Man in Black). Play. Written 1898. Produced Teatro Espanol, Apr. 22, 1898.
  56. Silencio de muerte (The Silence of Death). Play. Written 1898. Produced Teatro Espanol, Dec. 9, 1898.
  57. Amor salvaje (Wild Love). Play. Written 1899. Produced Teatro de la Comedia, 1899.
  58. El loco Dios (The Divine Madman). Play. Written 1902. Produced Teatro Espanol, Nov. 20, 1902.
  59. Malas herencias (Evil Inheritance). Play. Produced Teatro Espanol, Nov. 20, 1902.
  60. La escalinata de un trono (The Steps to a Throne). Play. Written 1903. Produced Teatro Espanol, Feb. 19, 1903.
  61. La desequilibrada (The Distraught Woman). Play. Written 1903. Produced Teatro Espanol, Dec. 15, 1903.
  62. A fuerza de arrastrarse (By Force of Crawling). Comic farce, prologue and 3 acts; prose. Written 1905? Produced Teatro Espanol, Feb. 7, 1905.
  63. El preferido y los cenicientos (Hero and Clown). Play. Written 1908? Produced Teatro Espanol, 1908.


  • F. Henan, Echegaray: Su tiempo y su teatro, Madrid, 1880;
  • F. Pi y Arsuaga, Echegaray, Sellés y Cano, Madrid, 1884;
  • H. de Curzon, Le théâtre de Jose Echegaray: laude analytique, Paris, 1912;
  • E. Merimée, "José Echegaray et son oeuvre dramatique," Bulletin Hispanique, 1916;
  • A. Gallego y Burin, Echegaray: Su obra dramática, Granada, 1917;
  • A. Martinez Olmedilla, José Echegaray: Su vida, su obra, su ambiente, Madrid, 1946.