Composers and their stage works 

Jean Genet

(1910 - 1986): French novelist and playwright born Paris


  1. Haute Surveillance (Deathwatch) (1 Act. wr. 1947 prod. 1949 - Théâtre des Mathurins, 26 Jan, 1949)
  2. Les bonnes (The Maids) (1 Act - 1947) Théâtre de l'Athénée, 19 April 1947)
  3. Le balcon (The Balcony) Play, 9 scenes Pub.1956. Théâtre du Gymnase, 18 May, 1960
  4. Les Nègres (The Blacks) (Pub. 1958.) Théâtre de Lutèce 28 October, 1959
  5. Les Paravents (The Screens) Play 17 scenes (Pub. 1961) Produced Berlin 1961; Paris 1966