Composers and their stage works 

Carlo Gozzi

(1720 - 1806) : Italian poet, literary theorist and dramatist. Born Venice 13 December, 1740. Died Venice 4 April, 1806


  1. L'amore delle tre melarance (Love for Three Oranges). Fable, 3 acts; prose. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Jan. 25, 1761.
  2. Il corvo (The Raven). Fable, 5 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Oct. 24, 1761.
  3. Il cervo (The King Stag). Fable, 3 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Jan. 5, 1762.
  4. Turandot. Fable, 5 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro San Samuele, Jan. 22, 1762.
  5. Il cavaliere, ossia Il trionfo dell'amicizia (The Knight, or The Triumph of Friendship). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; verse. Published 1774. Produced Mantua, Apr. 28, 1762.
  6. Doride, ossia La rassegnata (Doris, or The Resigned). Tragicomedy, 5 acts; verse. Produced Mantua, June 21, 1762.
  7. La donna serpente (The Serpent Woman). Fable, 3 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Oct. 29, 1762.
  8. La Zobeide (Zobeide). Fable, 5 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Nov. 11, 1763.
  9. I pitocchi fortunati (The Lucky Beggars). Fable, 3 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Nov. 29, 1763.
  10. Il mostro turchino (The Blue Monster). Fable, 5 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Dec. 8, 1764.
  11. L'augellin belverde (The Pretty Little Green Bird). Philosophical fiaba, 5 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Jan. 19, 1765.
  12. Zeim, re dei genii (Zeim, King of the Djinns). Melodramatic fiaba, 4 acts; verse. Published 1772. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Nov. 27, 1765.
  13. La donna vendicativa disarmata dall'obbligazione (The Revengeful Woman Disarmed by Obligation). Tragedy, 5 acts; verse. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Oct. 8, 1767.
  14. La caduta di donna Elvira, regina di Navarra (The Fall of Elvira, Queen of Navarre). Tragic prologue, 1 scene; verse. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Jan. 30, 1768.
  15. La punizione nel precipizio (The Punishment in the Precipice). Tragicomedy, 3 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Jan. 30, 1768.
  16. Il pubblico secreto (The Public Secret). Comedy, 3 acts. Produced Modena, May 20, 1769. Adapted from El secreto a voces, by Pedro Calderón de la Barca.
  17. La vedova del Malabar, ossia L'impero de'costumi (The Widow of Malabar, or The Reign of Custom). Tragedy, 5 acts. Produced 1770. Translation of La veuve de Malabar, by Antoine-Marin Lemierre.
  18. Le due notti affannose, ossia Gl'inganni dell'immaginazione (Two Breathless Nights, or Tricks of the Imagination). Tragicomedy, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Salvatore, Jan. 5, 1771.
  19. La donna innamorata davvero (The Lady Truly in Love). Tragedy, 5 acts; verse. Produced Mantua, July 22, 1771. Adapted from Don Pedro de Urdemales, by Miguel de Cervantes.
  20. La principessa filosofa, ossia Il contravveleno (The Philosopher Princess, or The Antidote). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Salvatore, Feb. 8, 1772.
  21. I due fratelli nimici (Brother Against Brother). Tragicomedy, 3 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Salvatore, January 1773. Adapted from Los hermanos encantados, by Augustin Moreto y Cabana.
  22. La malia della voce (The Charm of the Voice). Drama, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Salvatore, Dec. 10, 1774.
  23. Il moro di corvo bianco, ossia Lo schiavo del proprio onore (The White Moor, or The Slave of His Own Honour). Tragicomedy, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Jan. 20, 1775.
  24. Le droghe d'amore (The Love Potions). Comedy. Produced Venice, Jan. 10, 1777. Adapted from Celos con celos se curan, by Tirso de Molina.
  25. Il metafisico, ossia L'amore e 1'amicizia alla prova (The Metaphysician, or The Trial of Love and Friendship). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Salvatore, Nov. 23, 1778.
  26. Bianca contessa di Melfi, ossia Il maritaggio per vendetta (Bianca, Countess of Melfi, or Marriage for Vengeance). Drama, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Luca, Carnival season, 1779.
  27. Amore assottiglia il cervello (Love Sharpens the Wits). Comedy, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Giovanni Crisostomo, Feb. 14, 1781.
  28. La figlia dell'aria, ossia L'innalzamento di Semiramide (The Daughter of the Air, or The Elevation of Semiramis). Drama, 3 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Salvatore, Feb. 14, 1786.
  29. Cimene Pardo (The Leopard). Drama, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro San Giovanni Crisostomo, Carnival season, 1786.
  30. Annibale duca d'Atene (Hannibal, Duke of Athens). Play, 5 acts. Produced Venice, Teatro Sant'Angelo, Dec. 2, 1799.
  31. La donna contraria al consiglio (The Contrary Lady). Play, 5 acts. Produced Trieste, spring, 1800.
  32. Eco e Narciso (Echo and Narcissus). Pastoral fable for music, 3 acts.
  33. Il montanaro don Giovanni Pasquale (The Mountaineer Giovanni Pasquale). Play, 5 acts.