Composers and their stage works 

Eugène LabicheEugène Labiche

French dramatist. Born Paris May 5, 1815, died Paris January 2, 1888.

Plays: -

Unless otherwise noted, the plays were first performed in Paris.

  1. Monsieur de Coislin ou L'homme infiniment poli (M. de Coislin or The Politest of Men). (with Marc-Antoine-Amédée Michel and Augustin Lefranc). Vaudeville, 1 act. Published 1838. Produced Théâtre du Palais Royal, July 2, 1838.
  2. Le Capitaine d'Arcourt ou La fée du château (The Captain of Arcourt or The Fairy of the Castle). Play. Produced Théâtre du Luxembourg, July 2, 1838.
  3. L'avocat Loubet (Lawyer Loubet). Play. Published 1838. Produced Théâtre du Panthéon, Aug. 28, 1838.
  4. La forge des châtaigniers (The Smithy in the Chestnut Wood). Play. Produced Théâtre Saint-Marcel, Apr. 4, 1839.
  5. La peine du talion (Tit for Tat). Play. Produced Théâtre du Luxembourg, June, 1839.
  6. L'article 960, ou La donation (Article 960, or The Donation). Play, 1 act. Published 1839. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, Aug. 20, 1839.
  7. Le fin mot (The Last Word). Play, 1 act. Published 1840. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, July 21, 1840.
  8. Bocquet père et fils, ou Le chemin le plus long (Bocquet, Father and Son, or The Longest Path). (with Michel) Play, 2 acts. Published 1840. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase-Dramatique, Aug. 17, 1840.
  9. Le lierre et l'ormeau (The Ivy and Young Elm). (with Lefranc and Albert Monnier) Play, 1 act. Published 1840. Produced Théâtre du PalaisRoyal, Feb. 26, 1842.
  10. Le major Cravachon (Major Cravachon). (with Lefranc and Paul Jessé) Play, 1 act. Published 1844. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Feb. 15, 1841.
  11. Les circonstances atténuantes (Extenuating Circumstances). (with Lefranc and Mélesville) Play, 1 act. Published 1842. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Feb. 26, 1842.
  12. L'homme de paille (The Straw Man). (with Lefranc) Play, 1 act. Published 1843. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, May 12, 1843.
  13. Deux papas très bien, ou La grammaire de Chicard (Two Excellent Papas, or Chicard's Grammar). (with Lefranc) Comedy vaudeville, 1 act. Published 1844. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Nov. 6, 1844.
  14. Le roi des Frontins (The King of the Frontins). Play, 2 acts. Published 1845. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Mar. 28, 1845.
  15. L'école buissonière (Playing Truant). Play, 2 acts. Published 1845. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, July 23, 1845.
  16. L'enfant de 1a maison (The Darling of the Family). (with Victor Varin and Eugene Nyon) Play, 1 act. Published 1845. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase-Dramatique, Nov. 21, 1845.
  17. Mademoiselle ma femme (My Unmarried Wife). Published 1846. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Apr. 9, 1846.
  18. Rocambole le bateleur (Rocambole the Juggler). Play, 2 acts. Published 1846. Produced Théâtre des Folies-Dramatiques, Apr. 22, 1846.
  19. Frisette (Curly Head). Play, 1 act. Published 1846. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Apr. 28, 1846.
  20. L'inventeur de la poudre (The Inventor of Gunpowder). (with Lefranc and Nyon) Play, 1 act. Published 1846. Produced Théâtre du Palais Royal, June 17, 1846.
  21. L'avocat-pedicure (The Lawyer-Chiropodist). Play, 1 act. Published 1847. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Apr. 24, 1847.
  22. Un homme sanguin (A Full-blooded Man). Play, 1 act. Published 1847. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase-Dramatique, Aug. 15, 1847.
  23. L'art de ne pas donner d'étrennes (How Not to Give a New Year's Gift). Play, 1 act. Published 1847. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase-Dramatique, Dec. 29, 1847.
  24. Un jeune homme pressé (A Young Man in a Hurry). Vaudeville, 1 act. Published 1848. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, Mar. 4, 1848.
  25. Le club Champenois (The Champagne Club). Play. Published 1848. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, June 8, 1848.
  26. Le barométre, ou La pluie et 1e beau temps (The Barometer, or Rain and Good Weather). Play, 2 acts. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, July 29, 1848.
  27. Oscar XXVIII (Oscar the Twenty-eighth). (with Pierre Decourcelle and Paul-Jules Barbier) Play, 2 acts. Published 1848. Produced Théâfre des Variétés, July 29, 1848.
  28. Une chaîne anglaise (English Fetters). (with Saint-Yves) Play. Published 1848. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, Aug. 4, 1848.
  29. A moitié chemin (Halfway There). Play, 1 act. Produced Théâtre Beaumarchais, Aug. 12, 1848.
  30. Histoire de rir (Just for Fun). Play, 1 act. Published 1848. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, Aug. 13, 1848.
  31. Agénor le dangereux (Agénor the Dangerous). (with Decourcelle and Karl) Play, 1 act. Published 1848. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, Sept. 16, 1848.
  32. Une tragédie chez M. Grassot (A Tragedy at M. Grassot's). Play, 1 act. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Dec. 12, 1848.
  33. A bas la famille!, ou Les banquets (Down with the Family!, or The Banquets). Play. Published 1848. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, Dec. 16, 1848.
  34. Madame Veuve Larifla (Widow Larifla). (with Adolphe Choler) Play, 1 act. Published 1849. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, Jan. 25, 1849.
  35. Les manchettes d'un vilain (Handcuffs for a Villain). (with Lefranc and Saint-Yves) Play, 2 acts. Published 1849. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, Feb. 3, 1849.
  36. Mon ours (My Bear). Play, 1 act. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, Feb. 17, 1849.
  37. Trompe-la-balle (Avoiding the Ball). Play, 1 act. Published 1849. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, Apr. 8, 1849.
  38. Exposition des produits de la république (An Exhibition of the Republic's Products). (with Philippe-François Pinel Dumanoir and Louis-François Clairville) Play. Published 1849. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, June 20, 1849.
  39. Rue de l'Homme-armé, numéro 8 bis (8A Armed Man Street). (with Nyon) Play, 4 acts. Published 1849. Produced Théâtre des Variéths, Sept. 24, 1849.
  40. Une dent sous Louis XV (A Grudge under Louis XV). Monologue. Published 1849.
  41. Le sopha (The Sofa). Play. Published 1850. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, 1850.
  42. Embrassons-nous, Folleville! (Let's Embrace, Folleville!). (with Lefranc) Comedy vaudeville, 1 act. Published 1850. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, Mar. 6, 1850.
  43. Traversin et couverture (Bolster and Blanket). (with Senneif) Play, 4 acts. Published 1850. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, Apr. 26, 1850.
  44. Un garçon de chez Véry (The Waiter of Chez Véry). Comedy, 1 act. Published 1850. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, May 10, 1850.
  45. Schahabaham XLIV. (with Mélesville and Louis-François-Charles Desnoyer) Prologue vaudeville. Published 1850. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, July 18, 1850.
  46. La fille bien gardée (The Protected Daughter). (with Michel) Comedy vaudeville, 1 act. Published 1850. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Sept. 6, 1850.
  47. Un bal en robe de chambre (A Dressing Gown Ball). Published 1850. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, Oct. 12, 1850.
  48. Les petits moyens (The Small Means).(with Decourcelle and G. Lemoine) Play, 1 act. Published 1850. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, Nov. 6, 1850.
  49. Les prétendus de Gimblette (The Would-be Husbands of Gimblette). Play, 1 act. Published 1850. Produced Théâtre de la Gaîté, Nov. 24, 1850.
  50. Une clarinette qui passe (A Passing Clarinet). Play, 1 act. Published 1850. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, Jan. 4, 1851.
  51. La femme qui perd ses jarretières (The Woman Who Lost Her Garters). Play. Published 1851. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, Feb. 8, 1851.
  52. On demande des culottières (Breeches Makers Wanted). Play, 1 act. Published 1851. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, Mar. 2, 1851.
  53. Manz'elle fait ses dents (Manz élle Cuts Her Teeth). Play, 1 act. Published 1851. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, Apr. 9, 1851.
  54. En manches de chemise (In Shirt-sleeves). Play, 1 act. Published 1851. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, Aug. 8, 1851.
  55. Un chapeau de paille d'Italie (An Italian Straw Hat). (with Michel) Comedy, 5 acts. Published 1851. Produced Théâtre de la Montansier, Aug. 14, 1851.
  56. Maman Saboleux (Mama Saboleux). (with Michel) Comedy, 1 act. Published 1852. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Mar. 13, 1852.
  57. Un monsieur qui prend la mouche (A Gentlemen Who Flies into a Temper). Play. Published 1852. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, Mar. 25, 1852.
  58. Souf lez-moi dans l'oeil (Blow the Dust from My Eye). Play, 1 act. Published 1852. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, May 1, 1852.
  59. Les suites d'un premier lit (The Consequences of a First Marriage). (with Michel) Comedy, 1 act. Published 1852. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, May 8, 1852.
  60. Canadar père et fits (Canadar, Father and Son). Play, 1 act. Published 1852. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, May 12, 1852.
  61. Le misanthrope et l'Auvergnat (The Misanthrope and the Man from Auvergne). (with Lubize and Paul Siraudin) Comedy, 1 act. Published 1852. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Aug. 10, 1852.
  62. Deux gouttes d'eau (Two Drops of Water). (with Auguste Anicet-Bourgeois) Play, 1 act. Published 1852. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, Sept. 22, 1852.
  63. Piccolet. (with Lefranc and Montjoie) Play, 1 act. Published 1852. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Sept. 30, 1852.
  64. Edgard et sa bonne (Edgard and His Maid). (with Michel) Comedy, 1 act. Published 1852. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Oct. 16, 1852.
  65. Le chevalier de dames (The Ladies' Knight). Play, 1 act. Published 1853. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Dec. 16, 1852.
  66. Mon Isménie (My Isménie). Play. Published 1853. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Dec. 17, 1852.
  67. Une charge de cavalerie (A Cavalry Charge). Play. Published 1853. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Dec. 31, 1852.
  68. On dira des bêtises (There Will Be Foolish Talk). (with Delacour and Raimond Deslandes) Play, 1 act. Published 1853.
  69. Un notaire d marier (A Notary to Marry). (with Michel and Arthur de Beauplan) Play. Published 1853. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, Mar. 19, 1853.
  70. Un ut de poitrine (A High C). Play, 1 act. Published 1853. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, May 2, 1853.
  71. Un ami acharné (A Tenacious Friend). (with Alphonse Jolly) Play, I act. Published 1853. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, Jan. 19, 1853.
  72. La chasse aux corbeux (Hunting Crows). (with Michel) Comedy vaudeville, 5 acts. Published 1853. Produced Théâtre du Palms-Royal, June 25, 1853.
  73. Un feu de cheminée (A Chimney Fire). (with Beauplan) Play, 1 act. Published 1853. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, July 31, 1853.
  74. Espagnolas et Boyardinos. Play, 2 acts. Published 1854. Produced 1854.
  75. Deux profonds scélérats (Two Clever Rascals). (with Varin) Play. Published 1854. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Feb. 24, 1854.
  76. Les marquises de la Fourchette (The Marchionesses of La Fourchette). (with Choler) Vaudeville, 1 act. Published 1854. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, Aug. 31, 1854.
  77. Otez votre fille s'il vous plait (Take Your Daughter, Please). Play, 2 acts. Published 1854. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Nov. 25, 1854.
  78. Si jamais je to pince! (If I Ever Catch You!). (with Michel) Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1855. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, May 9, 1856.
  79. La perle de la Cannebière (A Jewel of the Cannebière). (with Michel) Comedy, 1 act. Published 1855. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Feb. 10, 1855.
  80. Monsieur votre fine (Your Gentlemanly Daughter). Play, 1 act. Published 1855. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, Mar. 2, 1855.
  81. Les précieux (The Dandies). Play, 1 act. Published 1855. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Aug. 7, 1855.
  82. Les cheveux de ma femme (My Wife's Hair). (with Léon Battu) Play, 1 act. Published 1856. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, Jan. 19, 1856.
  83. En pension chez son groom (Boarding at His Valet's House). Play, 1 act. Published 1856. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Feb. 2, 1856.
  84. Monsieur de Saint-Cadenas. Play, 1 act. Published 1856. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Feb. 20, 1856.
  85. La fiancée du bon coin (The Well-provided Fiancée). Play, 1 act. Published 1856. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Apr. 16, 1856.
  86. Mesdames de Montenfriche (The Montenfriche Ladies). Published 1856. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Nov. 14, 1856.
  87. Un monsieur qui a brûlé une dame (The Gentleman Who Burnt a Lady). (with Anicet-Bourgeois) Comedy vaudeville, 1 act. Published 1856. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Nov. 29, 1958.
  88. Les bras d'Ernest (Ernest's Arms). (with H. Leroux) Play, 1 act. Published 1857. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Jan. 26, 1857.
  89. L'affaire de la rue de Loucine (The Loucine Street Affair). (with Monnier and Edouard Martin) Comedy, 1 act. Published 1857. Produced Thhâtre du Palais-Royal, Mar. 26, 1857.
  90. La dame aux jambes d'azur (The Lady with Blue Legs). Play, 1 act. Published 1857. Produced Théâtre du Palms-Royal, Apr. Il, 1857.
  91. Les noces de Bouchen-coeur (Bouchencoeur's Wedding). (with Monnier and Martin) Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1857. Produced Théâtre du Palms-Royal, June 10, 1857.
  92. Le secrétaire de Madame (Madame's Secretary). Play, 1 act. Published 1857. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Oct. 5, 1857.
  93. Un gendre en surveillance (A Son-in-law under Observation). Play, 1 act. Published 1858. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, Dec. 11, 1857.
  94. Je croque ma tante (I Munch My Aunt). Play, 1 act. Published 1858. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Feb. 14, 1858.
  95. Le clou aux maris (Trap for Husbands). (with Eugene Moreau) Comedy vaudeville, I act. Published 1858. Produced Théâtre du Palais Royal, Apr. 1, 1858.
  96. Madame est aux eaux (Madame Is at the Spa). (with Vilmar) Also appeared in other volumes with other titles: Un monsieur qui pose (A Poseur) and Si nos femmes savaient (If Our Wives Knew); La Vallée de Lauterbrünnen (The Valley of Lauterbrünnen) and Juif errant (Wandering Jew). Play, 1 act. Published 1858. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, June 30, 1858.
  97. L'avare en gants jaunes (The Miser in Yellow Gloves). (with Anicet-Bourgeois) Comedy vaudeville, 3 acts. Published 1858. Produced Théâtre de Palais-Royal, May 1, 1858.
  98. Deux merles blancs (Two White Blackbirds). (with Delacour) Comedy vaudeville, 3 acts. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, May 12, 1858.
  99. Le grain de café (The Coffee Bean). Produced Théâtre du PalaisRoyal, Nov. 3, 1858.
  100. Le calif de la rue Saint-Bon (The Caliph of Rue Saint-Bon). Published 1858. Produced Théâtre du Palms-Royal, Dec. 7, 1858.
  101. En avant les chinois! (Forward, Chinese!). Revue. Published 1859. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Dec. 24, 1858.
  102. L'avocat d'un grec (The Greek's Lawyer). Play, 1 act. Published 1859. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Jan. 9, 1859.
  103. L'amour, un fort volume (Love, in Strong Doses). Play, 1 act. Published 1859. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Mar. 16, 1859. 
  104. L'école des Arthur (School for Arthurs). Play, 1 act. Published 1859. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, Apr. 30, 1859.
  105. L'omelette à la Follembuche (The omelette à la Follembuche). Operetta. Published 1859. Produced Théâtre des Bouffes-Parisiens, June 8, 1859. Music: Léo Delibes.
  106. Le baron de Fourchevif (The Baron de Fourchevif). Play. Published 1859. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, June 15, 1859.
  107. Les petites mains (The Little Hands). (with Martin) Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1859. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, Nov. 28, 1859.
  108. Le voyage autour de ma marmite (The Journey Around My Casserole). Play, 1 act. Published 1860. Produced Théâtre du Palms-Royal, Nov. 29, 1859.
  109. Le rouge-gorge (The Robin Redbreast). Play, 1 act. Published 1859. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, Dec. 9, 1859.
  110. J'invite le colonel (I Invite the Colonel). Play, 1 act. Published 1860. Produced Théâtre du Palms-Royal, Jan. 16, 1860.
  111. La sensitive (The Sensitive One). (with Delacour) Comedy vaudeville, 3 acts. Published 1860. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Mar. 10, 1860.
  112. Les deux timides (The Two Shy Ones). (with Michel) Comedy vaudeville, 1 act. Published 1860. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, Mar. 16, 1860.
  113. Le voyage de M. Perrichon (M. Perrichon's Voyage). (with Martin) Comedy, 4 acts. Published 1860. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, Sept. 10, 1860.
  114. La famille de l'horloger (The Clockmaker's Family). (with Deslandes) Play, 1 act. Published 1860. Produced Théâtre du Palms-Royal, Sept. 29, 1860.
  115. Un gros mot (A Rude Word). (with Dumoustier) Comedy vaudeville, 1 act. Published 1860. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Sept. 29, 1860.
  116. Les 37 sous de M. Montaudoin (M. Montaudoin's 37 Sous). (with Martin) Comedy vaudeville, 1 act. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Dec. 30, 1860.
  117. J'ai compromis ma femme (I've Compromised My Wife). (with Delacour) Comedy vaudeville, 1 act. Published 1861. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, Feb. 13, 1861.
  118. Les vivacités du Capitaine Tic (Captain Tic's Temper). (with Martin) Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1861. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, Mar. 16, 1861.
  119. L'amour en sabots (Love in Sabots). Play, 1 act. Published 1861. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, Apr. 3, 1861.
  120. Le mystère de la rue Rousselet (The Mystery of Rousselet Street). Play, 1 act. Published 1861. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, May 6, 1861.
  121. La poudre aux yeux (Dust in Your Eyes). (with Martin) Comedy, 2 acts. Published 1861. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, Oct. 19, 1861.
  122. La station Champaudet (Champbaudet Station). Play. Published 1862. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Mar. 7, 1862.
  123. Les petits oiseaux (The Little Birds). (with Delacour) Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1862. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, Apr. 1, 1862.
  124. Le premier pas (The First Step). Comedy, 1 act. Published 1862. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, May 15, 1862.
  125. La dame au petit chien (The Lady with the Little Dog). Play, 1 act. Published 1863. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Feb. 6, 1863.
  126. Permettez, Madame! (Allow Me, Madame!). Play, 1 act. Published 1863. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, Feb. 21, 1863.
  127. Célimare le bien-aimé (Célimare the Beloved). Play. Published 1863. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Feb. 27, 1863.
  128. La commode de Victorine (Victoriné s Chest of Drawers). (with Martin) Comedy vaudeville, 1 act. Published 1864. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Dec. 23, 1863.
  129. La cagnotte (Pots of Money). (with Delacour) Comedy vaudeville, 5 acts. Published 1864. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Feb. 22, 1864.
  130. Moi (Myself). (with Martin) Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1864. Produced Comédie-Française, Mar. 21, 1864.
  131. Un mari qui lance sa femme (A Husband Who Launches His Wife). (with Deslandes) Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1864. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, Apr. 23, 1864.
  132. Le point de mire (The Target). (with Delacour) Comedy vaudeville, 4 acts. Published 1864. Produced Comiègne, Théâtre Imperial, Dec. 4, 1864; Paris, Théâtre du Gymnase, Dec. 12, 1864.
  133. Premier prix de piano (First Prize for the Piano). Play, 1 act. Published 1865. Produced Théâtre du Palms-Royal, May 8, 1865.
  134. La bergère de la rue Monthabor (The Shepherdess of Monthabor Street). Play 4 acts. Published 1865. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Dec. 1, 1865.
  135. Le voyage en Chine (The Journey to China). Comic opera. Published 1865. Produced Opera-Comique, Dec. 9, 1865. Music: François Bazin.
  136. Un pied dans le crime (One Foot in Crime). (with Choler) Comedy vaudeville, 3 acts. Published 1866. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Aug. 21, 1866.
  137. Le fils du brigadier (The Son of the Corporal). Comic opera. Published 1867. Produced Opéra-Comique, Feb. 25, 1867. Music: Victor Massé. 
  138. La grammaire* (Grammar). (with Jolly) Comedy vaudeville, 1 act. Published 1867. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, July 28, 1867.
  139. La main leste (Free with One's Hands). (with Martin) Comedy vaudeville, 1 act. Published 1867. Produced Théâtre des Bouffes-Parisiens, Sept. 6, 1867.
  140. Les chemins de fer (The Railroads). (with Delacour and Choler) Play, 5 acts. Published 1867. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Nov. 25, 1867.
  141. Le papa du prix d'honneur (The Prize Pupil's Father). (with Théodore Barrière) Play. Published 1868. Produced TMAtre du Palais-Royal, Feb. 6, 1868.
  142. Le roi d'Amatibou (The King of Amatibou). (with Edmond Cottinet) Play, 4 acts. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal Nov. 27, 1868.
  143. Le corricolo (The Corricolo). Comic opera. Published 1868. Produced Opéra-Conique, Nov. 27, 1868. Music: Ferdinand Poise.
  144. Le petit voyage (The Little Trip). Vaudeville sketch, 1 act. Published 1868. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, Dec. 1, 1868.
  145. En manches de chemise (In Shirt-sleeves). Operetta, 1 act. Published 1869. Music: A. de Villebichot.
  146. Le dossier Rosafol (The Rosafol Dossier). Play, 1 act. Published 1869. Produced Théâtre du Palms-Royal, Mar. 20, 1869.
  147. Le choix d'un gendre (The Choice of a Son-in-law). (with Delacour) Sketch, 1 act. Published 1869. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, Apr. 22, 1869.
  148. Le plus heureux des trois (The Most Fortunate of the Three). (with Edmond Gondinet) Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1870. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Jan. 11, 1870.
  149. Le cachemire X.B.T. (The X.B.T. Cashmere). (with Eugène Nus) Comedy, 1 act. Published 1870. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, Feb. 24, 1870.
  150. Le livre bleu (The Blue Book). (with Ernest Blum) Play, 1 act. Published 1871. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, July 15, 1871.
  151. L'ennemie (The Enemy). Play. Published 1871. Produced Théâtre du Vaudeville, Oct. 17, 1871.
  152. Il est de la police (He's from the Police). (with L. Leroy) Play. Published 1872. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, May 7, 1872.
  153. La mémoire d'Hortense (Hortense's Memory). Play, 1 act. Published 1872. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, Nov. 15, 1872.
  154. Doit-on le dire? (Must It Be Said?) (with Henri-Alfred Duru) Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1873. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Dec. 20, 1872.
  155. 29 degrés à l'ombre (90° in the Shade). Comedy, 1 act. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Apr. 9, 1873.
  156. Garanti dix ans (Guaranteed for Ten Years). (with Philippe Gille) Play, 1 act. Published 1874. Produced Theatre des Variétés, Feb. 12, 1874.
  157. Brûlons Voltaire! (Let's Burn Voltaire). Play, 1 act. Published 1874. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, Mar. 7, 1874.
  158. Madame est trop belle (Madame Is Too Pretty). Play. Published 1874. Produced Théâtre du Gymnase, Mar. 30, 1874.
  159. La pièce de Chambertin (Chambertin's Piece). Play, 1 act. Published 1874. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Apr. 1, 1874.
  160. Les samedis de madame (Madame's Saturdays). Published 1874. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Sept. 15, 1874.
  161. Les trente millions de gladiator (Gladiator's Thirty Millions). (with Gille) Comedy vaudeville, 4 acts. Published 1875. Produced TMAtre des Variétés, Jan. 22, 1875.
  162. Un mouton à l'entresol (A Stool Pigeon). (with A. Segond) Play, 1 act. Published 1875. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Apr. 30, 1875.
  163. La guigne (Bad Luck). (with Leterrier and Albert Vanloo) Play. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Aug. 27, 1875.
  164. Le prix Martin (The Martin Prize). (with Penile Augier) Comedy, 3 acts. Published 1876. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Feb. 5, 1876.
  165. Le roi dort (The King Sleeps). Play. Produced Théâtre des Variétés, Mar. 13, 1876.
  166. La cigale chez les fourmis (Grasshopper among the Ants). (with Ernest Legouvé) Comedy, 1 act. Published 1876. Produced Com6dieFrançaise, May 23, 1876.
  167. La lettre chargée (The Registered Letter). Play, 1 act. Published 1877.
  168. La clé (The Key). Play, 4 acts. Published 1877. Produced Théâtre du Palais-Royal, Jan. 5, 1877.
  169. Un coup de rasoir (A Shave). Play, 1 act. Published 1878.
  170. L'amour de l'art (The Love of Art). Play, 1 act. Published 1878.
  171. La Tour de Babel, on Deux oncles charmants (The Tower of Babel, or Two Charming Uncles). Play, 1 act. Published 1877