Composers and their stage works 

István Örkény


Hungarian playwright and writer. He was born and died in Budapest

Stage Works

  1. Voronyezs (Voronezh, Ukraine). Drama, 3 acts. Written 1944 or 1948. Produced on television 1969.
  2. Zsugori (The Miser). Written 1947. Produced Budapest, Madách Szinház, 1948. A Molière adaptation.
  3. A borék (The Bor Family). Comedy. Written 1948.
  4. A Zichy palota (The Zichy Palace). Written 1949 with Miklós Gyárfás. Produced Budapest, Ifjúsági Színház, 1949.
  5. Sötét galamb (Dark Dove). Play, 3 acts. Written 1957. Produced Budapest, Nemzeti Színház, 1970.
  6. Tóték (The Tot Family). Tragicomedy, 2 acts. Written 1967. Produced Budapest, Thália Színház, 1967 - staged by Washington's Arena Theater 1977
  7. Macskajáték (Catsplay). Tragicomedy, 2 acts. Written 1969. Produced Szolnok, Szigligeti Szinház, 1971. New York production 1979
  8. Pisti a vérzivatarban (Steve in the Bloodshed). Play, 2 acts. Written 1969. Produced Budapest, Pesti Szinház, 1979.
  9. A holtak hallgatdsa (The Silence of the Dead). Documentary play, 2 acts. Written 1973 with István Nemeskürty. Produced Budapest, Pesti Szinház, 1973.
  10. Vérrokonok (Blood Relations). Written 1974. Produced Budapest, Pesti Szinház, 1974.
  11. Kulcskeresök (The Key-Seekers). Play, 2 acts. Published 1976. Produced Szolnok, Szigligeti Szinház, 1975.
