Playwrights and their stage works 

Carlo Terron

Italian drama critic and playwright. Born Verona 11 April, 1913

Stage Works

  1. I morti (The Dead). Play, 3 acts. Produced Florence, company of Teatro Nazionale, Feb. 1, 1941.
  2. I denti dell'eremita (The Hermit's Teeth). Play, 3 acts. Produced Florence, company of Teatro Nazionale, Apr. 6, 1942.
  3. La liberté (Liberty). Play, 1 act. Written 1943. Published 1949. Produced Trieste, Teatro Nuovo, May, 1955.
  4. Il diamante del profeta (The Prophet's Diamond). Play, 3 acts. Produced Rome, Teatro Valle, Apr. 2, 1947.
  5. II re s'annoia (The King Is Bored). Play, 3 acts. Produced Rome, Teatro Quirino, Feb. 14, 1948.
  6. La moglie di don Giovanni (Don Juan's Wife). Play, 3 acts. Published 1949. Produced Turin, May 5, 1951.
  7. Giuditta (Judith). Play. Published 1949. Produced Milan, Teatro Nuovo, May 2, 1950.
  8. Processo agli innocenti (Trial of the Innocent). Play, 3 acts. Published 1951. Produced Milan, Teatro Odeon, Nov. 7, 1950.
  9. Non c 'é pace per 1'antico fauna (No Peace for the Ancient Faun). Play, 3 acts. Published 1953. Produced Milan, Teatro di Via Manzoni, Nov. 7, 1952.
  10. La signora dalle camelie (The Lady of the Camellias). Play. Published 1953. Produced Milan, Teatro Odeon, Oct. 13, 1953. (Adaptation). Based on La dame aux camélias, by Alexandre Dumas fils.
  11. Aveno più stima dell'idrogeno (I Had More Respect for Hydrogen). Play, 3 acts. Published 1953. Produced Bolzano, II Carrozzone company, Dec. 12, 1955.
  12. Lo sciopero delle bombe (The Burst of Bombs). Play. Produced Bolzano, Dec. 15, 1955.
  13. Resurrezione (Resurrection). Play, 2 parts. Produced Milan, Teatro Olimpia, Dec. 15, 1955. (Adaptation). Based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy (18991900).
  14. Ippolito e la vendetta (Hippolytus and Revenge). Play, 3 acts. Published 1958. Produced Rome, Teatro Quirino, Mar. 8, 1958.
  15. Mercadet l'affariste (Mercadet the Businessman). Play. Produced Milan, Feb. 5, 1959. (Adaptation). Based on the play Mercadet or the Speculator, by Honoré de Balzac.
  16. Lavinia fra i dannati (Lavinia among the Damned). Play. Published 1960. Produced Cesena, Teatro Comunale, Dec. 19, 1959.
  17. Notti a Milano (Nights in Milan). Play, 3 acts. Produced 1963.
  18. Le piume (Feathers). Play, 1 act. Published 1964.
  19. La sposa cristiana (The Christian Wife). Play, 1 act. Published 1964.
  20. L'amica della tigre (The Friend of the Tiger). Play, 1 act. Published 1964.
  21. I narcisi (The Narcissi). Play, 1 act. Published 1964.
  22. Le vocazioni sbagliate (Mistaken Vocations). Play. Produced Teatro della Regione Veneta, January, 1973.

The four plays (Nos. 18, 19, 20, and 21) were published under the title Riso verde (Green Laughter).