Composers and their stage works 


The Homage That Follows

Drama. Mark Medoff. 3 men, 2 women. Unit Set.

A brilliant young mathematician, Archie Landrum, goes to work for and befriends a retired high school English teacher, Katherine Samuel, who has recently lost her beloved husband. When Katherine's substance-abusing TV star daughter, Lucy, returns home to the family farm to dry out, Archie becomes obsessed with her and, ultimately, murders her when she makes it clear she is unavailable. Deputy Sheriff Gilbert Tellez, a former suitor of Lucy's, is charged with babysitting Archie in the county jail. Public Defender, Joseph Smith, a former suitor of Katherine's, is to defend Archie. These five circle each other with their individual needs and furies; as the circle becomes tighter, implosion is inevitable.
ISBN: 0-8222-1469-5


Play. David Storey
M3 (middle-age, elderly) F2 (middle-age). A terrace.

Two elderly gentlemen stroll on to an almost bare terrace. They discuss various subjects - the past, schooldays, climate, the sea, moustaches, the war, families, etc., etc. It is not until the following scene when we meet two women that we realise we are actually in the grounds of a mental hospital, and that these people are patients. Although with no plot at all in the conventional sense and sparse dialogue, by the end of the afternoon we have been moved to compassion and respect.
ISBN 0 573 01220 2


Play. Samm-Art Williams. 1 man, 2 women. Unit Set

The action begins on the small farm in South Carolina which Cephus Miles, an orphan, has inherited from his family. Young and strong, he is content to work the land - until his childhood sweetheart rejects him and goes off to college. Not believing in the Vietnam war, Cephus is imprisoned as a draft evader for refusing to serve. By the time he is released, Cephus has lost his land to the tax collector so he heads north to build a new life. With a good job and a slinky new girlfriend, he finds the big city exciting and rewarding. But soon after, the dream begins to fade - Cephus loses his job and becomes involved in drugs and prostitution. Pulling himself together, he returns to South Carolina and settles back on the land with his old sweetheart. Despite all, he has never lost his joyous good will, his indomitable spirit, and the conviction that one day his quest for fulfillment will be rewarded.
ISBN: 0-8222-0527-0

Home Before Dark, or the Saga of Miss Edie Hill

Play. Jimmie Chinn
M 12 (teenage-40s, 2 black) F9 (teenage-middle-age). Extras. Various simple settings.

In this portrait of a small cotton mill town in Lancashire, Edie Hill is essentially portrayed as a tragic heroine: she works hard; raises an illegitimate son, and loses her family one by one as they fall victim to the cotton dust from years spent at the mill. However, Edie is a very funny character, and the tragic points in her story are interspersed with moments of great warmth and humour. Period 19461964
ISBN 0 573 01787 5

Home Front (The War At Home)

James Duff : Drama 2M 2F Interior act

The action is set in a comfortable suburban home in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, where Bob and Maurine, a fairly well-off middle-aged couple, are living (apparently happily) with their daughter Karen, a graduate student, and their brooding son, Jeremy, who has recently returned from service in Vietnam. It is Thanksgiving Day, 1973, and they are furiously preparing for the imminent arrival of relatives for a family dinner. At first the action of the play is refreshingly offhand and filled with warm-hearted humor, with Maurine fluttering about chattering non-stop, and Bob trying to disguise the fact that he has been smoking a forbidden cigarette. But then, as Jeremy's cutting ripostes become more sarcastic and venomous, the mood changes - impelling a series of explosive confrontations as the others struggle to understand and accept Jeremy's alarming bitterness, and to convey the love and deep con- . cern which they feel for him. But, in the end, the gulf between them is too great, the harsh words too hurtful, for harmony to be restored. Instead there is violence and rage, and the shattering realization that what once was can be no more, and they can only pick uP the pieces and go on as best they can.
ISBN: 0 8222 0528 9

Home Is Where Your Clothes Are

Comedy. Anthony Marriott and Bob Grant M4 (20s-50s) F4 (20s, 40s). A garden flat.

When his wife runs off with another man, the Major solves his debt problem by letting the basement of his wife's house-to two different tenants simultaneously! Jill only uses the flat at weekends, while Philip lives there during the week, and the Major swaps their belongings at the beginning and end of each week. But then Jill unexpectedly gets a week off work and a whole set of complications, wild confusion and awkward confrontations follows!
ISBN 0 573 01789 1

Home of the Brave

Drama. Arthur Laurents. 6 men. Unit set

A group of American soldiers volunteer for a dangerous mission to a Japanese-occupied island. One soldier develops a complex because he convinces himself that he has failed in his duty to a dying buddy. He imagines that being a Jew and the victim of prejudice in his own group is that fact responsible for his "cowardice." Under pressure of a tense situation, he becomes partially paralyzed so that he cannot walk. He is put under medical care, and with the help of his doctor and fellow soldiers, he is brought to realize that he and his comrades are essentially "just guys," with no difference determined by blood or religion. He recovers and faces the world with confidence.
ISBN 0-8222-0529-7

The Homecoming

Play. Harold Pinter
M5 (30, 63, 70) F1(30). One interior.

Teddy arrives home to pay his family a visit with his wife Ruth, who settles into the household as if into a well-known niche. Teddy's brothers and his father all take it for granted that she is anyone's for the asking - and she is. It is then suggested that they should set her up in trade, in a little flat in Soho. Calmly Ruth lists the conditions she requires before accepting, barely batting an eyelid as Teddy returns to America.
ISBN 0 573 01555 4